
1. 為什麼想讀外文系?

(Why do you want to major in foreign language?)

2. 為什麼會選擇本校的外文系?

3. 你知道本系的課程特色?

4. 你認為就讀本系需要何種條件?

(In your opinion, what kind of qualification do you think necessary for admission to our department? Do you have it?)

5. 你具備何種人格特質來就讀本系?

(Do you possess any characteristic that make you suitable for our department?)

6. 想在本系學些什麼?得到什麼收穫?

(What do you want to learn from our department?)

7. 是否有信心通過甄試上本校?為什麼?

8. 請舉出本系為什麼要錄取你的四個理由?

(Please state four reasons why we are supposed to admit you to our department?)

9. 你想從大學中學到什麼?

(What do you expect to learn from the university?)

10. 對於未來就讀大學四年有何計畫?

(What are your plans for the following four years in college?)

11. 平常喜歡的休閒活動是什麼?(What do you usually do in your leisure time?)

12. 平常如何提昇自己的英文能力?(How do you improve your English capacity?)

13. 是否有培養第二專長的計畫?

14. 在大學生活中,你要如何調適課業、感情、社團問題?

15. 進入大學後需要學習哪些資訊,才能和課業相輔相成?

16. 你將來想要從事什麼工作? (What do you want to do in the future?)

17. 談談你的夢想 (Please talk about your dream for future.)

18. 你對未來理想及生涯規劃?(How do your plan for your future career?)

19. 你對自己十年後的期望是什麼?(What’s your expectation of yourself after 10 years?)

20. 試述讓你印象深刻的老師?

(Who is the most impressive teacher you have ever met? Why is he/she so impressive?)

21. 談談你的高中生活?(Please talk about your days in senior high school.)

22. 高中你最難忘的事是什麼?

(What’s the most unforgettable experience during your high school life?)

23. 高中你最有成就感的事是什麼?

24. 高中你有沒有碰過挫折?如何解決問題?

(Have you ever encountered with any frustration in your senior high school days? How did you deal with it?)

25. 舉例說明你的學習能力?

26. 高中你學到最重要的事是什麼?

(What is the most important thing do you think you learn from senior high school?)

27. 你對大學生的認識如何?

28. 你覺得讀本系需要修哪些課程?

29. 選讀外文系對你未來的升學或就業有何助益?

(Is majoring in foreign language helpful for your further study or employment? Why?)

30. 你所讀過的最令你印象深刻的西洋文學作品為何?

(What is the most impressive Western literature you have ever studied?)

31. 如何在大學四年培養你未來生涯或職涯所需的能力?

(How would you cultivate your ability for future career during your college life?)

32. 當場朗讀一篇英文文章,並發表心得

33. 你覺得大學學歷重要嗎?為何重要?或為何不重要?

34. 現在由於經濟不景氣,許多學生紛紛休學。假如你也面臨經濟壓力,你會如何抉擇?

35. 以一分鐘時間自我介紹。 (中央外語系)

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