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It’s now been four decades since this happened. One day, back when I was a junior in high school, my classmates and I went on a bike ride through the countryside. As dusk fell, we arrived at Zhaiming Temple in Longtan. The old monk took a good look at each of us, patted A-Ding on the shoulder and said, “You have a limitless future.”

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Doctor Liu and I were good friends; there was nothing he wouldn’t talk about with me. He told me he prayed often, and always with the same appeal: that God would destroy the wicked people of the world with the fire of his heavenly indignation. But he had to admit that though his prayers were very earnest, it seemed like they hadn’t been answered at all. He was extremely disappointed, not to mention bewildered.

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All of us doctors have to spend some time working in the emergency room, where we often have to deal with people injured in automobile accidents. These poor folks are usually found by police officers and brought in by ambulance. They’re seldom brought in by ordinary passers-by, and almost never by the person who caused the accident.

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There was a time when I thought I was the most powerful man around. As mayor of Shanghai during the Cultural Revolution, I could ban anything I wanted. I banned nearly all movies, along with the vast majority of novels and books. TV and radio stations broadcast nothing but model programs.

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It’s now been thirty years since I was sent to America to pick up a computer that my company had ordered. Back then, getting a computer was a big deal: my coworkers and I were to receive three weeks of training before returning with the machine.

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